Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Is there more to life than this?

I often wished that I posted on my blog more, but two things hold me back: 1) Is there anything really interesting going on in my life to post about? 2) Where do I find the time? I get home from work at about 5:00 every day, play with Ella, eat dinner, hang out with Ella some more, and then put her to bed. By the time she is down, there's enough time to load the dishwasher, pick up the house, and get to bed in time to wake up at 5:30 a.m. to start all over.I recently started a diet that takes up a good amount of time. I try to work out 6 days a week, which takes up even more time. Where am I going to try to find time to get involved with church and (hopefully) new friends, good causes, and even to read a good book.

Is this what life is like until your kids get older (or until you lose 31 lbs?). I sure hope not. Any time management hints from my readers?


Amanda said...

Humm... time management. I haven't been the best in that area of late, but the best practice is balance. Spend time with people -- you'll never get that time back.

Becca Clark said...

I am a big fan of SparkPeople.com for tracking nutrition and excercise. It's free, and it really helped me lose weight. You can also set other goals on it, and reward yourself for meeting them. So, for example, I have 'take a bath' as a once-a-month goal, in the hopes that I can relieve stress better.

Are you not getting a Sabbath day? Because you must insist on one. I also insit that my church understand family time and relax time. I tell them I will not be able to do my job if I am in the office all the time. Write your sermon from a coffee shop, or park bench (or play date!) or something. Seriously, my congregation is really good about respecting boundaries and that is the only way I don't overwork. I know not every church is as good at respecting that, but it's important.
