Thursday, December 14, 2006

Good and Bad

This week was a momentous one for the Daugherty Family. Brad and I were able to go away for the first time. My mom came down to stay with Ella, and Brad and I went to a Pastor & Spouse Retreat at the Opryland here in Nashville. The picture to the right is basically the view from the balcony of our room. We worked hard to be able to go away, or at least Ella and I worked hard. In order for me to go away, she had to be weaned. So, we worked from her birthday, and she was finally weaned a week ago, just in time for us to go. We had a great time, and the Opryland is an amazing place.

I thought that having us gone for the few days, and especially me, would be hard for Ella. But, my mom says that she hardly even noticed that we were gone. She and my mom had a wonderful time, and she did great without us.

It was good that we got to go away, after 13 months, we definitely needed it. It was good that Ella and my mom got along so well. But, don't you think that it's just a little bad that Ella is so independent? I would like to think that she would have missed us, a lot. I guess it's true what they say, they sure do grow up fast!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Aww...independance is the goal of parenting, right? She still needs you, she just feels secure and loved, and knows that you will never be gone for long. She doesn't need to worry about where you went, because you'll be back to take care of her.
