Friday, May 18, 2007

Cold, Rainy, and Wonderful

We arrived in Boston last night (late, thanks to delays and air traffic control), and it's only about 45 degrees here today. Typical New England weather. And, I love it. We are having a great time, and it's good to catch up with people. As I was thinking about our trip, I realized that there's a part of me that acts as though life has stopped when we weren't here. But that certainly isn't the truth. Kids have grown taller, can talk and walk, and people have experienced things that we weren't here to experience with me. But, it's wonderful to know that friendships go on, even through the distance. We just pick up right where we left off.

Being here has reminded me how much I miss Boston. I miss our house, our friends, New England in general. But, I also can't imagine staying. I know that God led us to the right place at the right time. That doesn't always make it easy, though.

Ella has been so excited to be here. After a day with no sleep (on the airplane), she hasn't been eating. All she wants to do is play with the kids and the toys. Hopefully she won't leave Boston weighing 5 lbs less than when we got here.


andrew said...

Boston's weather was on CNN yesterday and it looked pretty yuck. But I'm glad you're enjoying it!

Have fun and safe travels back to Nashville...

Amanda said...

Oh, the Boston weather -- hopefully, it didn't rain during Brad's walk across the stage. Look forward to hearing about your trip.