Today was my second Mother's Day. It began with Brad letting me sleep in an extra hour, even though Ella woke up at 6:30. We had a wonderful pancake breakfast and I got some beautiful roses and two nice cards.
Today was Baby Day at
TCC (our church), and since Ella wasn't here last year for Baby Day, she got to be a part. This consists of going up on the platform and telling little things about her. She was by far the oldest one there, and loved being around the other babies. She just kept pointing, "Baby, baby, baby". Perhaps one of the best things is that she loves to carry purses, and so she took her purse from
Guatemala to the stage with her.
The day continued with a long nap, and a wonderful dinner with salmon, sweet potatoes and corn on the cob. We went to the park, gave Ella a bath, and in a few minutes Brad is going to make me a Mother's Day peanut butter shake. Yum. I guess if I'm going to indulge, today's a good day.
I love the weekends, but they go by so quickly. I love being there when Ella wakes up, to put her down for naps, and just to experience the day with her. It's hard being a working mom (but I know that being a stay-at-home parent comes with challenges all its own.)
Last night, we taught Ella how to play Ring around the Rosy. She LOVES it! Even when we quit playing it, she kept playing it herself by singing a song that had some "R" words in it, and spinning in circles. Too cute.