Thursday, March 22, 2007

Mommy and Daddy Who?

Yesterday, we went to tour a daycare for Ella for the Fall. It was amazing, and we are planning to take Ella there in August. It will be a great experience for her. While we were taking the tour, and talking with the program director, Ella took some time to hang out with what will be here class. Brad and I left her on the playground, and she had no complaints that we were leaving. Our tour took longer than the playground time, and so Ella got to go for a walk with her class in their special buggy. When we found her, she was sitting in the front seat of the buggy just like it was the most natural thing in the world. We basically had to pry her out of the seat so that we could go home. Here I was, holding back tears at the thought of sending my baby to daycare, and yet she had no problems, and barely wanted to come home with us. Children are much more adaptable than we think, or perhaps my daughter is just an extreme extrovert! We'll see.

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